- 涉及可靠,可重複和準確的體積 活塞填料 that are versatile, highly flexible, easy to install and use, VKPAK Machinery is the number one manufacturer. With numerous liquid packaging solutions that suit any production environment ideally, our piston fillers are simple yet immensely effective.
- 活塞式灌裝機 是一種經濟實惠且可靠的解決方案,用於在瓶中填充液體。
- VKPAK 自動線性活塞灌裝機 is an extremely flexible filler capable of filling accurately and rapidly any viscous liquids. Product delivery from your bulk tank to the pistons can be configured with a buffer tank utilizing a level-sensing float, a manifold with direct draw, or re-circulation methods. The VKPAK Automatic Linear Piston Filler is manufactured with a 304 stainless steel frame and is capable of supporting 1 to 12 fill heads. PLC controls, touch screen HMI, food grade contact parts, stainless steel and anodized aluminum construction and many more features come standard. VKPAK Automatic Piston Fillers are designed to add efficiency to any production line used in the cosmetic, food service, specialty chemical, pharmaceutical, and personal care industries. Additional options are available for sanitary, hazardous, flammable and corrosive environments.
- 304不銹鋼結構,液體接觸部分為316 L不銹鋼。
- 氣動元件和電器產品為名牌產品。
- PLC和触摸屏控制,方便參數設置。
- 伺服電機驅動,一台伺服電機驅動一個活塞,高速,高精度。
- 準確的填充量,對於1000 ML,在±0.2以內。
- 無瓶,無加註,錯誤自動警告。
- 填充堵塞的噴嘴是防滴劑,絲綢和自動切割的粘性液體。
- 易於維護,不需要特殊工具。
- 潛水噴嘴,用於自底向上填充泡沫產品。
- 可以找到瓶口。
- 在帶電狀態下工作,更安全且易於操作。
- 零件接觸材料可以是304L不銹鋼。
- 使用灌裝量調節手柄,可以隨意調節灌裝速度,灌裝精度高。
- 灌裝頭採用防漏,防拉,提升灌裝裝置。
- 可以裝100-5000ml的瓶子
- 易於操作且易於清潔